Thursday, April 16, 2015

Reader's Circle: New Approach of Learning

With the advancement of time, many new approaches are being introduced in learning world. Among them, “Reader’s Circle” is one of the emerging trends recently introduced in the education system of Nepalese education.

“Reader’s Circle” is a small group created among the students of primary and secondary level in the school. This “Reader’s Circle” are intended to develop the reading habit of various books other than the normal course books as prescribed by the syllabus of government for specific class of students. In this “Reader’s Circle”, interested students are grouped from different class and this circle is created from them with the coordination of the teacher. Then these all students, who are the member of “Reader’s Circle” start to read different books related to various topic of their interest. Reading is only half job in these “Reader’s Circle”, the half job of these “Reader’s Circle” member is to review these books in front of other members of “Reader’s Circle” on a regular basis.

With the introduction of computer games, televisions and other means of entertainment, especially book reading habit among the school going students have dramatically declined. Reading culture is about to extinct, if the similar situation goes on. So few schools in our country have started “Reader’s Circle” in their respective schools to promote reading habit and to save the reading culture. The members of “Reader’s Circle” meet regularly and discuss on their interest of books and if they are unable to choose the books, they even take the help of teacher, who coordinated their “Reader’s Circle”. Depending upon their interest and suggestion of teachers, member students of “Reader’s Circle” choose and read different kinds of books which are related to different topic.

No member students of the “Reader’s Circle” are forced to study any book; all the member students participate in “Reader’s Circle” volunteer. They choose, read and review the book they read. These “Reader’s Circle” have got lots of benefits for the students. These “Reader’s Circle” have helped the students to realize their interest, passion and desire for their future. Involvement of the students in the “Reader’s Circle” provides the students to taste the freedom in reading as these students can read anything as per their wish. Students also have got chance to realize their talent in specific subject of their interest. With the creation of “Reader’s Circle”, students have seen much positive change in their studies and overall life too.  Students participating in “Reader’s Circle” have improved the performance in their studies too. Addiction to reading has encouraged the students to study the course book too in a very fun filled manner. The reading culture developed due to participation in “Reader’s Circle” has helped many students to broaden their knowledge related to many different areas.

Most of the “Reader’s Circle” are created in the schools by the school administration. These school administration have helped the students to create these “Reader’s Circle” and participate in many different activities organized by these “Reader’s Circle” along with their regular school activities. In these “Reader’s Circle” one teacher is made responsible to handle and operate various activities of these “Reader’s Circle”. One of the important activities of these “Reader’s Circle” are the “Refractive Interaction” organized in a regular basis, where the member students of these “Reader’s Circle” review the books they have study during certain period among the other member students of the “Reader’s Circle”. The students are encouraged to express their learning in these “Refractive Interaction “program. This kind of program helps the students to improve their learning capacity, enhance the public speaking confidence, makes them social and also improves the argumental power of the students in certain topic they are provided. The teacher awards one students with “Best Reader Award”, who performs well in the “Reader’s Circle” and “Refractive Interaction” program. This kind of award have motivated many students to participate in the “Reader’s Circle” and its various activities.

“Reader’s Circle” has not come to existence very easily. Especially in the society like ours, most of the parents wish their children to study only course book. So establishment and operation of these “Reader’s Circle” were a big challenge for the school and the teachers. But with the time, parents also have realized the importance of these “Reader’s Circle” for the overall development of their children. These parents have realized that these “Reader’s Circle” help their children to make them familiar with different aspects which are not even included in the syllabus. These activities have brought positive change in the student’s studies and behaviour.

Last but not the least; “Reader’s Circle” is an innovative way of learning to the students in a very fun filled way, which helps the students to develop their overall personality in different aspect. These “Reader’s Circle” have helped to conserve the reading culture which was in danger of being extinct.


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